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40 draw a diagram of each type of breeze

This an unfinished continuation of [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/hcqzcp/wp_your_master_told_you_that_you_have_the/)! "Twilight Siege" **Hadrian** Magic is a strange thing to master, but the rewards are beyond anything I could ever imagine. Ever since I learned about magic and the endless possibilities that came with being a wizard, I started to study every magic book I could get my hands on. I was chosen to leave normal school early to train at the advanced wi... [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/debw83/i_kill_monsters_for_an_interdimensional/) It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I hope that this submission is enough proof that I didn’t get merc'd on the job, but I feel kinda bad that I’ve left everyone in the dark for so long. So, as my condolences, I’m going to give everyone *two* stories. I know, I spoil you guys and gals. But how could I not feel so generous when my first part got so much praise? I owe you all something big, and this is...

Category: Emergency Inspired by the many premeds who volunteer as EMTs and a book I read, combined in hopefully an action-y way! More historical HFY... ​ I was still not entirely sure how I’d talked myself into this. Apparently it sprang from mentioning I was a geology student. Geology was a science, medicine was a science, and therefore I was the most surgeon-adjacent individual on the boat. This vessel carried neither a doctor nor a nurse nor even a medic, which seemed an od...

Draw a diagram of each type of breeze

Draw a diagram of each type of breeze

# Discussion Schedule and Navigation * **04/19** - [SSR: Beatrix (Earth)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/mtwu33/ssr_character_discussion_beatrix_earth/) * **04/20** - [SSR: Anila (post-March 2021 Rebalance)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/mum9yc/ssr_character_discussion_anila_postmarch_2021/) * **04/21** - **SSR: Sutera** * **04/22** - [Summon: Athena (Summer)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/mw16jd/summon_discussion_athena_summer/) * **04/23** - [Wea... **PART TWO HUNDRED AND TWO** **Saturday** Clefton had been true to his word. He barely glanced at the address I’d written down before he tore the page out of the notepad and stuffed it in his mouth, making a huge production of chewing it up and swallowing it. He then opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, mimicking a tongue-pressed *Ahhh* to prove it was gone. I couldn’t help it. I laughed. He was such a goofball. Clefton threw his arms around my shoulders and joined in the laugh as he l... Sup all, Don’t know if anyone gives a flying fuck but i wanted to make a post about all the stuff i did/seen at ECC. I know my posts are usually boring in the sense it’s just pure information either in a review or PSA so i wanted to have a little fun with this one and crack jokes and all so disclaimer there will be foul language and typos but no mods were harmed in the writing of this post So i shot up to ECC this past weekend. Fuel for the day 2 rockstars, 2 beef jerky sticks, 2 bottles of wat...

Draw a diagram of each type of breeze. # CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO As Avis and Clarise rounded the last boulder that separated them from the girls, Avis’ heart leapt straight into his mouth. Four strange men were clustered in a loose semi-circle around his girls, with two women standing behind them. One of the two men directly in front of the girls had knelt down beside his companion, making him more difficult to spot, but being twice to three times the size of the one still standing meant nothing would hide his immense bulk for long. No ... Convergence and Contingency I scream: One-man Sturm und Drang – o! – Only in my head: that Ballsack Brain – so I open my mouth, words won’t come out: Gorged with chaos in tight bundles of light - waiting to erupt – and I. . . finally. . .: Do not just be, burn. Say!: The fire is not the problem, - yes! - the candle is. Birth: META-COUPLING: {1, a, 2, b}’’ Or {1’,a’,2’,b’}’ A Study on the Direction(less)[ness] of Self-aware Narrative The purpose of this paper in overly minimalistic ... **→** [**Click here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/McMaster/comments/nd5yhd/part_2_engineering_level_1_faq_ama/) **for part 2 of the FAQ post ←** I just finished Engineering I, and plan on pursuing Software Engineering & Management (B. Eng. & Mgt.). Here are some questions answers I wish I knew before coming into the program: EDIT: Join the [MacEng 2024-2025 server](https://discord.gg/eBxUPPy) if you want to ask me or my classmates any questions! **Q: Why does it say I need a 4.0 GPA t... [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DavidFarrowWrites/comments/jx6g88/neverglades_sunspot_1_nice_to_meet_you_mr/) The first thing that hit me when I stepped into the station was how chilly it was. I would’ve welcomed it if I wasn’t lightly soaked by rain. I found my way to the Detective; he didn’t seem to notice me stepping in. He was neck deep in some papers he was looking through, his legs rhythmically kicking back and forth. A whiteboard with some more papers taped to it sat behind the Detecti...

“What if aliens don’t like tacos?” Chelsea suddenly spoke, stirring me from my momentary malaise of the heavens and drawing my attention back to the terrestrial. My eyes shot to her, but she continued staring up at the night sky, head resting tenderly on her clasped hands behind her head. The grass of the meadow rolled serenely in the light breeze. “What?” “Aliens.” She again clarified. “What if they don’t like tacos?” I pondered the philosophic conundrum for a moment, unable to stifle the ch... Some nights are worse than others. Some nights, I wake up alone in the dark with a cold chill settling upon me, seeping into my flesh. Other nights I toss and turn until I wake with a half-remembered image of my brother Aaron's face. In my dream --it's always the same one-- he's lying prone on the floor, his head tilted back, mouth hanging open. He reaches for me, and as he does, his fingers stretch, new joints appearing, allowing them to bend and twist until they manage to grasp me. On good nig... **Wendy Darling's**. **Tommy Emu**. **Jasper Lee.** Do any of these names look familiar to you? Because I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind. I've been watching this channel for months. They've been my comfort Twitch streamers, and now they've dropped off the face of the earth. Nobody is talking about them or tweeting about them. It doesn't make any sense! I don't know where they've gone. I don't know if maybe I'm – maybe I hallucinated them? But I couldn't have, right? They're real. I kno... This is a one-shot story we did when we had a small party and the DM wanted a holiday type theme. The changing guild names in this story is kind of an easy to understand in joke. To the story! In the unattractive, mud-ridden streets of Waterdeep, in the dirty area the docks are is a shabby-looking guild hall called Guild #648. It’s the sort of rundown, cheap place that will take anyone, with very little in way of background checks and few fees. Outside the Guild Hall #524 is a sign saying “Gui...

*(As requested, I've added chapter numbers to all of the Hardwired posts) [Hardwired series homepage](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/series/hardwired) [Previous chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/4qicg5/oc_hardwired_indicator_lights/) **CHAPTER TWO** Ajax racked the pistol slide, and for the third time in the last decacycle, wished he’d brought something besides a chemical slugthrower. >Figures; the one day my Box is passing through customs and neither on our ride over h... [First](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/61ya08/oh_this_has_not_gone_well/) | [Prev]( https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/62ckx5/oh_this_has_not_gone_well_3/) | [Next](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/634ihd/oh_this_has_not_gone_well_5/) This part is the first one where I start to get to magic, with Quinn trying to define what it can do in physical terms. There are numbers involved, which hopefully shouldn’t scare anyone away. I’ve tried to reach a balance. Hopefully I’ve provided e... Introduction: Dalis is a country located on the North-Western Theian Ocean. It goes through an everlasting winter, its lands cloaked by the pure white snow, and its caverns crusted by the ethereal blue ice. It is governed by the Prinvitkovic Monarchy, and the god Cryston. ​ An In Depth Guide To The Countries Of Geonis Dalis Nickname: “*The land cloaked by pure white snow”* Form of Government: monarchy, government branches Ruling Factions: Prinvitkovic Royal Family, Sedat ... [Prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/hcqzcp/wp_your_master_told_you_that_you_have_the/) **Hadrian** Magic is a strange thing to master, but the rewards are beyond anything I could ever imagine. Ever since I learned about magic and the endless possibilities that came with being a wizard, I started to study every magic book I could get my hands on. I was chosen to leave normal school early to train at the advanced wizarding academy for humans. I was always at the top of my ...

Banana Benders Nicholas Gerling # Chapter 1- Code Yellow “Give it here. You’re doing it all wrong.” Daren snatched the banana from me and bent it into perfect shape. “How are we meant to provide the good people of Australia with quality bananas if you don’t learn to bend em properly.” Daren handed me a Green Stick. “Now turn this into a banana. Just like I showed you.” Though I had not perfected the technique, I was close. I was competent at the yellowing process. That was my favourite p...

**Wendy Darling's**. **Tommy Emu**. **Jasper Lee.** Do any of these names look familiar to you? Because I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind. I've been watching this channel for months. They've been my comfort Twitch streamers, and now they've dropped off the face of the earth. Nobody is talking about them or tweeting about them. It doesn't make any sense! I don't know where they've gone. I don't know if maybe I'm – maybe I hallucinated them? But I couldn't have, right? They're real. I kno...

Eye contact. To some, engaging in direct eye contact with strangers elicits a sense of dreadful anxiety. Many have a propensity for avoiding it altogether - whether they do so by staring at the ceiling, or by eyeing the irregularities between the coatings of paint on the walls, or, even, by observing the dips, dikes, and scars in the landscapes of their own palms - it is generally safe to say that people find many alternatives preferable to simply looking into another’s eyes, reserving the intim...

Note-taking is personal. It has as much to do with how your mind works as it does with what you’re taking notes about and why you’re taking them in the first place. Still, search for the best note-taking app and you’ll invariably find Evernote at the top of most lists. Some notes are for sharing. Some are a reminder. Some are taken and never looked at again. Sometimes a note is a quick thought, jotted down on-the-go on a mobile device. Other times your notes are prepared at length at your com...

When push comes to shove, sometimes you just want to shove a sharpened stick into another ape’s vital organs. Roll on sub-tables if you wish to do so. Tailor results to your liking, I’m not your dad. These don’t have to be sword either, it’s fun to think of how these modifiers could be applied to other weapon types as well. Start by rolling a d6 1. Metal (Roll on all three tables) 1. Metal 1. Tungsten 1. Gold 1. Silver 1. Damascus steel 1. Black i...

Sup all, Don’t know if anyone gives a flying fuck but i wanted to make a post about all the stuff i did/seen at ECC. I know my posts are usually boring in the sense it’s just pure information either in a review or PSA so i wanted to have a little fun with this one and crack jokes and all so disclaimer there will be foul language and typos but no mods were harmed in the writing of this post So i shot up to ECC this past weekend. Fuel for the day 2 rockstars, 2 beef jerky sticks, 2 bottles of wat...

**PART TWO HUNDRED AND TWO** **Saturday** Clefton had been true to his word. He barely glanced at the address I’d written down before he tore the page out of the notepad and stuffed it in his mouth, making a huge production of chewing it up and swallowing it. He then opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, mimicking a tongue-pressed *Ahhh* to prove it was gone. I couldn’t help it. I laughed. He was such a goofball. Clefton threw his arms around my shoulders and joined in the laugh as he l...

# Discussion Schedule and Navigation * **04/19** - [SSR: Beatrix (Earth)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/mtwu33/ssr_character_discussion_beatrix_earth/) * **04/20** - [SSR: Anila (post-March 2021 Rebalance)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/mum9yc/ssr_character_discussion_anila_postmarch_2021/) * **04/21** - **SSR: Sutera** * **04/22** - [Summon: Athena (Summer)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/mw16jd/summon_discussion_athena_summer/) * **04/23** - [Wea...

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